April 25, 2012

Treehouse Housewarming

My sister and brother-in-law moved down last month, and they magically set-up their place and held a housewarming already. It took me maybe 3-4 months to have a housewarming : (

They live in a treehouse. Well, at least an adult version of a treehouse. You climb up these stairs on a charming path up a hill to a house amidst the trees.

Their home is so nicely set-up, as if they've been living there for years minus any clutter.
[Who goes there! Bennet guards the fort]
[Can't have a party without food!]
[Ready to eat]
[Mini room = huge closet]
[More of the closet/room plus their new lamp that I want to steal]
["That's me choking him"']
[A real working fireplace, plus a watchtower for Luna]

[The study]

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